The Promise of Constructivism

In international relations, the Constructivist school has increased its prominence over the last 30 years. To understand today’s world, one should know what that means, and what it entails.

Crozier’s Spark for International Organization

Fifty years ago, French sociologist Michel Crozier called for a renewed and original approach to the thorny issue of international organization. Today, we must still pay tribute to his grand design.

Conflict and Cooperation at the WTO

As of this week, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala stands at the helm of the World Trade Organization. The ambiguous relationship between multilateralism and plurilateralism is but one of many challenges ahead.

Key Insight

“Although international organizations generally favour peace and harmony, they also foster conflict by helping to homogenize the world polity.”
John Boli & George Thomas, 1997